Writer’s Craft #54 – Borrowed from Acting

James Pailly used to work in film and theatre and now works in television news. He’s been a writer, director, and occasionally—often unwillingly—an actor. His current project, The Tomorrow News Network, is a series of short stories which will appear at tomorrownewsnetwork.com starting January 9th. You can also visit his blog at planetpailly.wordpress.com. I was…… Continue reading Writer’s Craft #54 – Borrowed from Acting

Writer’s Craft #34 – What are Your Characters Consuming?

Kelly A. Harmon defines “Dischism” for us as this week’s guest on the Writer’s Craft. Kelly writes fantasy and dark fantasy with the occasional science fiction piece. See her list of publications and honors. In the novel I’m shopping, one of the main characters, Karis, is distraught over having (perhaps) killed someone by accident. He’s…… Continue reading Writer’s Craft #34 – What are Your Characters Consuming?

Writer’s Craft #32 – Re-purposing Your Favs

Kari Terhark writes on getting mileage out of authors and scenes you love while making them your own.  (Lynda) Kari Terhark lives in the Bay area and works as a financial analyst. She is working on her first novel, a historical fantasy adventure. When I finally decided to pick up my pen and start writing, I…… Continue reading Writer’s Craft #32 – Re-purposing Your Favs

Writer’s Craft #3 – Currently Reading

Writers are often asked to explain how their favorite authors have influenced their work over the years. But how about what we are reading today? Does it percolate into what we write tomorrow? Writer J Randayle Greyson thinks so. After getting an e-mail from her, I surfed to her site at http://thesurvivalmama.blogspot.com/ where I found…… Continue reading Writer’s Craft #3 – Currently Reading