Guest Blog: Mark Lawrence, Author of PRINCE OF THORNS

I’m writing this in the dark in a cubicle at the children’s hospital in Bristol, UK. If I lean the laptop screen far enough forward to illuminate the keys with its glow, I can type but not see what I’m typing. If I lean it further back I can see what I’ve typed, but not the keys, and I keep slipping into gibberish. I’ve had almost zero spare time since my daughter, Celyn, was born six years ago severely disabled. I work as a research scientist when she’s at school. I started off in physics, did a Ph.D in a corner of mathematics, and now nibble away at the edges of artificial intelligence. For a brief period when I worked in the states I was able to call myself a rocket scientist, and believe me, I did. Lots.

When Celyn is home I spend the time from 6am to 9pm looking after her. She can’t see well, use her limbs or fingers, speak, eat, or go for very long without having a fit. But she’s funny, clever, and has a great sense of humour. She does a lot of screaming and I spend a lot of time helping her not to. Constant entertainment works, most of the time, and she loves stories. My wife has multiple sclerosis and since Celyn weighs forty pounds I have to do the caring.

So, zero spare time, but I seem to write more in it than I did in the ridiculous acreage of me-time I used to take for granted. Generally the small hours of the night are mine to do with as I please. Even now, with nurses pacing outside and the SATS monitor flashing out Celyn’s heart rate and oxygen saturation, I’m free to write – albeit hampered by the need to flap the screen back and forth. I wrote chapter 4 of ‘Prince of Thorns’ with a pencil on scrap paper at 4am in a different children’s hospital when Celyn was a baby. The child next to us had died and her parents were making the kinds of hurt-noises that you absolutely have to distract yourself from.

I’m told that Clarion is populated by writers of various flavours who may be interested in the tale of how I come to be sitting on a three book deal with a bag of cash – a purported bag of cash because I’ve seen none of it yet and won’t truly believe any of this until I do.

As a scientist I’m wary of samples of one. A sample of one is an anecdote, and you can ‘prove’ anything you want with anecdote. However, I will assume that my tale is one of many and that you will shake it up with the rest before forming an opinion.

I say that my route to (cue drum roll) published author (end drum roll) has been non standard, but I’m not entirely sure there is a standard path. I have been a member of on-line writing groups for many years and I’ve observed that there are some people who have clearly set themselves the goal of being a writer. There are other people who just like to write, and there are many hybrids who are a mix of both camps in varying degrees. These are observations not judgements. I have no judgement to make. All of these are perfectly good attitudes.

The people who want to be writers often break the problem down. What do I need to do to become a writer? I need to write better. Practice makes perfect. I’ll write X words a day (no more algebra, I promise). I need to write what people want to read. I need to write what that magazine wants to buy. I’ll research the market. I need an agent/publisher. I’ll study query letters. I’ll go to conventions. I will corner an agent. I will network.

All of these things are good and sensible steps. I have total respect for the people who take those steps. I am in the opposite camp. I just like to write.

Because I have never planned to be a writer, never even considered what it would be like, I have also never suffered from writers’ block. If I have nothing to say. If nothing is hammering its way out of me onto the page . . . I just go and do something else. I’m not blocked, I just get to play a game, read a book, or sleep seven hours instead of five.

I don’t try to write X words a day (okay, I lied about the algebra). I don’t try to write any words a day. You will become a better writer if you write more . . . but I’m not trying to become a better writer. I just write because I enjoy it and when I stop enjoying it, I stop writing.

Here’s the thing. There are so many good writers out there. Sure there is an ocean of not so hot ones, but – and here I will further lower any expectations of literary greatness – if you’ve ever watched the auditions for American Idol you will have observed that amongst the comically bad singers, there are far more really good ones than the record industry needs.

I’ve had to struggle to get short stories placed in magazines. Ok, by ‘struggle’ I mean I’ve had to send the stories to quite a few magazines to get a hit.  I’ve also been a slush pile reader for a small on-line ezine that offers $10 for a short story and a lofty $20 for the feature story. The magazine gets about 50 submissions each week and one or two of these will be superb. So every week a couple of superb short stories come chasing $10. It seems clear that the American Idol experience can be mapped over to writing. Sure, a fair number of those 50 a week are bewilderingly bad, but it seems clear that there are far more really good writers than the publishing industry needs.

Combining the evidence of my own experience with crit-group anecdotes about how impossible it is to get an agent, and with an agent how hard it is to get published, I came to a conclusion that I still feel is probably true. Getting published is a lottery. You need a large dollop of writing talent to enter that lottery but there are a lot of people with sufficient skill to purchase the ticket. Past that, you need a bucket of luck poured over you.

Given that I never expected to be a writer, and that I like writing, not crafting query letters, networking, researching markets, and most of all, being rejected, I sat on my first book for 12 years. Indeed I’m still sitting on it. It’s really not good for anything else. My second book was better. Good even. I sat on that one too and am still sitting on it.

The third book I wrote, ‘Prince of Thorns’, also got sat on for several years, but a lady I know through writing groups kept buying me writers’ handbooks, books she couldn’t afford, full of agent contact details and publishing houses. In the end (August 2009) I felt guilty for letting her down and stopped being a serial New Year’s Resolution offender. I was too lazy to pick up one of her books but they inspired me to google on ‘literary agents who specialise in fantasy’. I found this link:

and wrote to one a month for four months before I got bored and gave up. The fourth of the agents I plucked off the list wrote back just before Christmas asking for the rest of the manuscript. Two weeks later he signed me. He turned out to work at a major London agency. He told me not to expect to hear from him again anytime soon. The publishing business, he warned, moves at a glacial rate. Six weeks later he called me to say that after an international bidding war between seven major publishers he had secured me a three book deal with advances worth many times my annual salary (an admittedly meagre salary since the UK pays research scientists about the same as bus drivers … who I guess are responsible for peoples’ lives… so fair enough maybe.). A week later the second agent I wrote to sent me a form rejection. The other two have not yet replied.

I got the news whilst seated under Celyn (I think we were reading ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’). I carried her over my shoulder into the other room, where my wife took my expression to mean that Celyn had unexpectedly died on me. I’ve been in a state of mild shock ever since.

One thing that pleases me, aside from the money and that ‘Prince of Thorns’ will get a larger audience, is the fact that despite that networking, tactics, market research and the like will surely improve your chances of getting published (from needing the highest microscope setting to see to needing only the second highest setting to see) it is possible to write a book just for you, send it out to a small number of agents at random, and secure a great deal. It pleased me no end because I’m bad at all those sensible things, I don’t enjoy them, and my circumstances prevent me from doing some of them.

If I could take all the luck I must have expended accomplishing this feat and apply it to other areas of my life, of my family’s life, I would. But given a gift horse has come up, rung the doorbell, waited patiently, then licked me in the face … I shall stop looking in its mouth.

15 thoughts on “Guest Blog: Mark Lawrence, Author of PRINCE OF THORNS

  1. Mark, if your book flows as well as this article, wow. I zipped through this and felt multiple emotions, all in 3 minutes. You’ll have to let us know, what’s happened to Ceylin? Is she better now, out of the hospital?

    I love the connection to American Idol (but wait, aren’t you in Britian?). However, I noticed something else during auditions week. While many people are good… some seasons have none that are worthy of air time. It’s not enough to open mouth and put forth “non-pitchy” tunes, you have to have character and something nobody else has. Enter Prince Poppycock (from America’s got talent). I saw that man live, and he was the only act to get a five minute standing ovation, even though there were “technically” better singers.

    May we all be Prince Poppycock writers.

    1. Kari – I wrote the blog quite a time ago. Celyn has been in and out of hospital several times since, but at the moment she’s doing well (some scary operations on the horizon) and is a happy little girl obsessed with stories (especially those about princesses). She’s on my lap right now, waiting for the next chapter of Dahl’s Matilda.

      We lived in the States from 2001-2004 (I’m a dual national) and American Idol started the year we arrived I think.

  2. Beautiful story. So true about the talent surplus. Also felt it was adding injury to insult that “pro-speak” about slush piles liked to imply anyone unpublished deserved to be so. You sound so much like someone I’d like to know, I’m gonna go looking for Prince of Thorns. I, too, just wrote. Agonized a little more, I suspect. But am slowly coming to terms with the world as it is which may be the gift of maturity. I’ve also been lucky. And write most when life leaves me the least time to do it itn. All the best to you and your family and thank you for a great post.

  3. What a touching story of gratitude. I think that’s why you have so much “Luck” – you see the beauty in your circumstances, the blessings in what others (me) might consider traumatic misfortune.

    May luck continue to befall you, and may you and your family live your best lives.

    Excited to go grab PRINCE OF THORNS (it looks gripping, BTW, just read the blurb on amazon).

  4. This blog has been up for less than two hours and has already gotten more comments than most of our guest authors do. You truly have a gift for words, and I’m very grateful that of all the interviews you’ve been doing, you saved some of the best stuff for Clarion. A pity that your circumstances keep you from conventions and the like, as you are one of the writers whose hand I would most dearly love to shake in person.

  5. As a father of two healthy young boys I feel utterly humbled by this post, not to mention a bit of a fraud: living in my nice little bubble of a life, complaining about sleepless nights etc. I’ll certainly be grabbing a copy of ‘Prince of Thorns’ for my Kindle.

  6. As someone whose read Prince of Thorns, I can say that it is indeed as emotionally gripping as Mark’s article above. And lucky for us, it’s 400 and some pages longer. 😉

  7. I have five sons and can empathize with a family situation that leaves little time to write. Though my sons are all healthy other things constantly come up that sap time and energy. My wife and I also both work full time (and more). I set writing quotas often only to have them shattered by unavoidable circumstance. But I keep writing because I want to and I must. No deluge of fortune yet – success comes slowly. But thanks for the inspiration. Nice to know I’m not the only lone voice struggling against the harsh universe (which is often how I feel). There are others.

  8. Wow, thanks for sharing your story Mark, I will never complain about not having enough time again. I do sympathise with you, I have a sister-in-law who has MS, and I have a niece who is a severe epileptic. I can’t imagine both those problems in the one family, and your daughter sounds like her health is much worse than my niece’s, so you have my admiration – I’m still stunned you can write anything with all that going on. I agree with your take on the fact that a person’s writing schedule should be based on their wishes and expectations, and not what everybody else thinks. I hope the health of your daughter and your wife improves. Good luck with Prince of Thorns, I hope it gets published here in Australia, otherwise I’ll get a copy online!

  9. Honestly, I have to say that this story is both encouraging and discouraging at the same time. That being said, I want to thank you for sharing it. I think you’re right that there is no standard path to publication and I think that (especially in the computer age) there are a lot of opportunities on both the professional and independent sides of the aisle. Either way is going to wind up taking both luck and work.

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